Norton Singers Win Two Regional EMACT Awards

The Norton Singers earned two regional EMACT awards at the organization's recent awards dinner for its recent production of The Scarlet Pimpernel.

CONGRATULATIONS to Kathryn Ridder, who was honored with "Best Costume Design--Musical." Clearly, all those countless hours of hard work and preparation outfitting 50 performers with French-revolutionary era period costumes paid off, resulting in what one DASH attendee commented last night were "some of the most amazing costumes I have ever seen for a theater production that wasn't on Broadway."

In addition, Melissa Franklin was honored as this year's "Unsung Heroine" for her superlative work filling in at the last minute with only three hours stage rehearsal to (quoted here) "rise up and make the role her own." In the words of the DASH reviewer: "I don't think I've ever seen a more 'show must go on' moment in all my years of theater."


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